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weight restriction

페이지 정보

작성자 Scottdax 작성일 24-09-14


* **Being denied the jump:** The skydiving company might refuse to allow you to jump if they discover your weight exceeds the limit.
**Q: What if I am close to the weight limit but not over it?**
<a href=https://travelerschat.com/sky-diving/is-there-a-weight-limit-for-skydiving/>weight restriction skydiving</a>   
<h3>Factors Affecting Weight Restriction</h3>
**Q: Is it safe to skydive if I am overweight?**
If you provide inaccurate weight information, you might face serious consequences. These could include:
**Factors to consider:**
**A:** If you exceed the weight limit for a skydiving jump, you will likely be denied the jump. The skydiving company has a responsibility to ensure the safety of all participants, and exceeding the weight restrictions can compromise safety.